Friday, September 16, 2011

It's been a rough couple of months since my last update. We have been pretty busy. Dom is still working lots of overtime every week and I've been working overtime for the last 3 months of so. I'm really tired and burned out, but I like the money, so I'm going to keep working it. After months and months of talking about it, Dom and I finally joined a gym. We drove around all afternoon on a Sunday because Dom wanted to see all the different gyms and find out how much it would be and whatnot. He finally decided on a gym that isn't too far from our house and along with joining the gym, we decided that we were going to get a personal trainer to help us with our weight loss goals. The gym also has a nutrionist who put together a meal plan for us so that we can lose even more weight and start to eat healthier. I'm prefectly fine with what we are supposed to be eating, but Dom has been struggling a bit, although it is getting better. We are both doing well with our workouts. I totally kick Dom's butt when we are working out with the trainer, it's kinda nice!
I was able to go to Idaho for a long weekend in August and it was a lot of fun. I flew into Boise and mom and Kailee picked me up. Then we had a bbq at D's house. Kai is just about the cutest little girl ever. I love her so much and she is so stinkin cute. She's also incredibly smart, it's amazing! Saturday morning we got up and drove over to Ririe for a Ririe family reunion. It was held at my great grandparents house that my aunt and uncle have recently finished restoring. They have done an AMAZING job on the house and it is just beautiful. It was really nice to be able to see a bunch of my family in Idaho. The last time that I was in Ririe and saw most of those family members was at my grandma's funeral 6 years ago. It was fun to stay up and talk with family and have my uncle Ron's fabulous pancakes on Sunday morning. Uncle Ron makes the absolute BEST pancakes ever! Hopefully I will get to go back to Idaho sometime soon and Dom can come with me. I really miss southeast Idaho, it will always feel like home to me. Mom, Andy, Amber, Austin and I were all flying out of Salt Lake City and so we stopped at Mrs. Cavanaugh's Chocolates before we got to the airport. I have been very good about the chocolate and I actually still have some in my freezer. I've learned that if I put chocolate in my fridge or frrezer I'm less likely to eat it!
Other then that, not much has been going on. I'm still working at home and just found out that I made the cut to stay home for at least another 3 months. Dom has been carpooling with a friend for work so we both wake up early. He gets up and gets ready and I make his breakfast. Then I usually go back to bed. We don't really have a lot going on in the coming weeks either. I've been struggling with some stuff the past week or so and am just throwing myself into work and working out...and hopefully that helps!