Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Bit of a downer...
So I've been sick ever since we got back from Texas and I've been doing nothing but laying in bed...which isn't always a good thing for me. As I was laying in bed today, I started thinking about the fact that Dom and I have been married for almost 5 years and we still don't have a kid. I'm really sad about that. For as long as I can remember, I always said that when I grew up I wanted to be a mom, it's the only thing I've wanted that has stayed constant...and here I am, 26, married for 5 yrs, and no kid. When Dom and I first got married, I always said that I wanted to wait 5 yrs before having kids, but I never really meant it. After our first year, I was ready to try without trying, we both wanted a baby. Then to be told that you can't have a baby, it's absolutely devastating. I know that we "can" have a baby, but not on our own and maybe not even both of ours biologically. There have been a bunch of people I know that have had babies recently or who are pregnant, and I'm truely happy for all of them, but at the same time, it's really hard for me because I feel like I deserve a kid just as much as anyone else. I guess that I feel like it's a hopeless situation and that whichever avenue we take (infertility or adoption), it will be a really long time before we can afford it and it's never a sure thing. I guess another thing that makes it so hard is that in the mormon religion, you are expected to get married and start having kids. I'm always asked when we are planning on having kids and it kills me. I've told everyone that we can't have kids, but they still ask. I'm just scared that Dom and I will never have the chance to be parents, and that is really sad because he'd make an amazing daddy. And what are we supposed to do with our entire lives if we don't have kids and grandkids? It just seems like a very lonely existance...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
New Addition
So this past week on December 15th, my big sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl names Kailee Frances Nydegger. She is a beautiful little girl who looks just like her daddy. I'm very excited for this new addition to the Loosli family, I'm just sad that I don't know when I will get to meet her for the first time.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
It's been a while...
I really need to get better at updating this thing! So in the past month and a half, Dom and I went to Utah and helped Marina move to AZ, which I am way excited about! We've had a lot of fun hanging out! Marina came over for Thanksgiving and helped me cook dinner and then we went midnight shopping at The Disney Store and then we were off to Walmart...we got there about 1 AM and were there till about 6:15 AM. It was a crazy morning full of crazy people, but we did get almost all of our Christmas shopping done. I only have a few people to buy presents for. I got Dom's XBox and in return, he bought me the absolute BEST hair straightner ever! I love it!
So nothing much has changed on the house front, except that we still don't have a house. The bank is being really stupid and we are tired of waiting, so we have started looking at other houses. We have put an offer on another house that I like better. It's smaller, but it has a bigger backyead and it's closer to in then the one we already have an offer on. So now we are waiting on the two houses, and Dom wants me to go and look at houses again this Friday, but we'll see.
Desi is finally down here with Marina, and since I don't work on Friday's, I get to take her! I'm so excited to spend the day with her cause she is so much fun! We are gonna make some cute Christmas ornaments and then Friday night we are having a girls night at Marina's house. Saturday we are going to the Zoo with Dom and then Dom is gonna take Desi on a date while I go to Marina's Christmas Party with her. Then next weekend we have my Christmas Party at the Biltmore, which I'm way excited about cause they are always really good. Dom and I decided that we are going to stay at The Biltmore for the night as a treat for ourselves.
That's about all for now...I'm just crossing my fingers that we get a contract on a house before April 30th so that I can still get my baby money...but we will see what happens, just like always...
So nothing much has changed on the house front, except that we still don't have a house. The bank is being really stupid and we are tired of waiting, so we have started looking at other houses. We have put an offer on another house that I like better. It's smaller, but it has a bigger backyead and it's closer to in then the one we already have an offer on. So now we are waiting on the two houses, and Dom wants me to go and look at houses again this Friday, but we'll see.
Desi is finally down here with Marina, and since I don't work on Friday's, I get to take her! I'm so excited to spend the day with her cause she is so much fun! We are gonna make some cute Christmas ornaments and then Friday night we are having a girls night at Marina's house. Saturday we are going to the Zoo with Dom and then Dom is gonna take Desi on a date while I go to Marina's Christmas Party with her. Then next weekend we have my Christmas Party at the Biltmore, which I'm way excited about cause they are always really good. Dom and I decided that we are going to stay at The Biltmore for the night as a treat for ourselves.
That's about all for now...I'm just crossing my fingers that we get a contract on a house before April 30th so that I can still get my baby money...but we will see what happens, just like always...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
So this past weekend I was able to go up north...and by up north I mean Utah and Idaho. I had the wonderful opportunity to go to Boise for my big sisters baby shower. She is having a little girl and she is due on Dec 15th. I decided that it would be a wonderful time to also go to Utah to visit my two favorite people ever, Marina and Desi. I drove to Utah on Thursday and Marina, Desi and I went to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs in 3D. It was hilarious and my very first 3D movie. After that, we drove around for a while since I wasn't allowed at Marina's house until Austin had left (long story). So when we finally got there at like 11:30 pm...I made breakfast burritos for us, and they were yummy! The next morning I drove up to Boise for a weekend with my family. Diana has gotten so big, she has a belly! I was so excited to feel the baby (whom we all call Billette) kick, but everytime I put my hand on D's stomach, Billette stopped moving. I got the feel her jumping a couple of times and I got to see her move around a whole bunch, so that was cool. Saturday morning we had D's baby shower and there was tons of food, people, and presents. Needless to say, D won't have to buy any baby clothes till the girl is about 9 months old! She got lots of cool stuff and I totally went overboard and bought a TON of clothes, so many clothes in fact that Dom was starting to get mad at me! After the baby shower we went back to D's house and I sorted out all the clothes. Then on Sunday we put her stroller and pack-n-play together. I got to see my mom and both of her sister's, neither of whom I have seen since my grandma's funeral 4 years ago, so it was nice to see them. The only Loosli girl who was missing was Rob's wife Allison, but I'll get to see her at Christmas.
Things are moving along with our house. The selling realtor is very hopeful that we will be able to close by November 30th, if not a few days earlier. All I can say is that I can not wait for the house thing to be done so that I can get in there and paint and move! If things keep moving the way they are, I should be in my own house by Christmas! We are both really excited about the thought of being in our own place. We love Dom's parents and appreciate them letting us live with them for free, but we are ready to be on our own and in our own space! I am going to be driving to Texas at Christmas so that I can bring back a trailer full of my stuff...I don't even know what my mom has of mine other then my grandmother's china. I know there are boxes from when I was little and in high school, but I have no clue what is in them, so it shall be fun to unpack and see what I thought was important! I also have an antique hutch that all my china goes in, but I think that is going to have to be moved by professional movers, cause it scares me to think about moving it myself! I'm scared enough about making the 17 hour drive by myself...I'm thinking that I will have to stop somewhere along the way, I just don't know where and if I really want to since I wasn't planning on taking more then 1 day to drive each way...we shall see what happens though.
Things are moving along with our house. The selling realtor is very hopeful that we will be able to close by November 30th, if not a few days earlier. All I can say is that I can not wait for the house thing to be done so that I can get in there and paint and move! If things keep moving the way they are, I should be in my own house by Christmas! We are both really excited about the thought of being in our own place. We love Dom's parents and appreciate them letting us live with them for free, but we are ready to be on our own and in our own space! I am going to be driving to Texas at Christmas so that I can bring back a trailer full of my stuff...I don't even know what my mom has of mine other then my grandmother's china. I know there are boxes from when I was little and in high school, but I have no clue what is in them, so it shall be fun to unpack and see what I thought was important! I also have an antique hutch that all my china goes in, but I think that is going to have to be moved by professional movers, cause it scares me to think about moving it myself! I'm scared enough about making the 17 hour drive by myself...I'm thinking that I will have to stop somewhere along the way, I just don't know where and if I really want to since I wasn't planning on taking more then 1 day to drive each way...we shall see what happens though.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
So Dom and I have put in an offer for a house. The house we found is a short sale and so it is taking some time to get a response. It is a gigantic house, which means that we would have lots of room for when we have kids. There is a 3 car garage, 2 master bedrooms plus 2 other really big bedrooms, a large loft, good sized kitchen with lots of cupboards, 3 1/2 bathrooms, lots of closet space, and a backyard big enough to put in a pool if we want. The house is at the edge of the development and there is state land behine it, so we know that probably nothing will be built behind the house. The inside needs paint and eventually we will need to replace the carpet, there are a few ceiling fans missing and there is only one hole in the wall and it isn't that big. If we get the house then I plan on buying one color of paint and painting the whole house the same color and then I'll paint each of the rooms as I save for the paint, but I figure that I can take my time. We do know for sure that we are going to have someone come and put a dog door in the wall in the downstairs master bedroom for the puppies, that way Patton won't keep waking up Dom in the middle of the night because she wants to go out! We are keeping our fingers crossed that we will hear someting soon because we know that our offer is at the bank and they have gotten everything they need, so now it's just a matter of when they are going to look at our offer and if they will accept it.
Last weekend we went to Disneyland with my best friend Marina and her daughter Desi. It was Marina's b-day and Desi's first trip to Disneyland. It was a lot of fun but Desi was like 1/4 inch short for the majority of the I guess we will just have to go back next year when Desi is a little taller. I got to go on a lot more rides then when I just go with Dom because he is scared of roller coasters and any crazy rides, but Marina loves those rides, so we went while Dom watched Desi and took her on rides! Desi was obsessed with the Matterhorn and we went on it a million times! We always asked Desi who she wanted to ride with and she kept saying me. She also loved the Haunted Mansion and Pirates. Dom was very happy to take her on Pirates since that is his favorite ride too. All in all it was a really fun weekend and I can't wait to go back next year. They are doing a volunteer for a free ticket promotion and we are trying to get Dom's whole family to do a day of volunteer work so that we can all go, I just don't know if it will work. I think that it will be a lot of fun to go with the whole family since there hasn't been a family vacation with everyone in over 15 years! We will see what happens, and maybe it will just be me and Dom again, which is always a lot of fun!
Dom loves the travel channel and anything supernatural/scary. He was watching a show about the best haunted houses in the country and 2 of the top 10 are in Salt Lake City. Once he saw that, he decided that we are going to Utah for Halloween so that we can go to really good haunted houses. I'm way excited to go up to Utah to spend a weekend with my best friend and her adorable little girl, so it will be way fun! It's going to be freezing up there, but I'm going to get a taste of that this weekend. I'm going up to Boise for my big sisters baby shower. I'm really excited for her and her husband because they were trying for almost a year and a half and they are finally having a baby girl on Dec. 12th! I have already gotten a whole bunch of really cute outfits for their baby, but most of them are for next summer since all that stuff have been on clearance lately. It'll be a quick trip but it'll be a lot of fun!
Last weekend we went to Disneyland with my best friend Marina and her daughter Desi. It was Marina's b-day and Desi's first trip to Disneyland. It was a lot of fun but Desi was like 1/4 inch short for the majority of the I guess we will just have to go back next year when Desi is a little taller. I got to go on a lot more rides then when I just go with Dom because he is scared of roller coasters and any crazy rides, but Marina loves those rides, so we went while Dom watched Desi and took her on rides! Desi was obsessed with the Matterhorn and we went on it a million times! We always asked Desi who she wanted to ride with and she kept saying me. She also loved the Haunted Mansion and Pirates. Dom was very happy to take her on Pirates since that is his favorite ride too. All in all it was a really fun weekend and I can't wait to go back next year. They are doing a volunteer for a free ticket promotion and we are trying to get Dom's whole family to do a day of volunteer work so that we can all go, I just don't know if it will work. I think that it will be a lot of fun to go with the whole family since there hasn't been a family vacation with everyone in over 15 years! We will see what happens, and maybe it will just be me and Dom again, which is always a lot of fun!
Dom loves the travel channel and anything supernatural/scary. He was watching a show about the best haunted houses in the country and 2 of the top 10 are in Salt Lake City. Once he saw that, he decided that we are going to Utah for Halloween so that we can go to really good haunted houses. I'm way excited to go up to Utah to spend a weekend with my best friend and her adorable little girl, so it will be way fun! It's going to be freezing up there, but I'm going to get a taste of that this weekend. I'm going up to Boise for my big sisters baby shower. I'm really excited for her and her husband because they were trying for almost a year and a half and they are finally having a baby girl on Dec. 12th! I have already gotten a whole bunch of really cute outfits for their baby, but most of them are for next summer since all that stuff have been on clearance lately. It'll be a quick trip but it'll be a lot of fun!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Didn't realize it's been so long...
So I'm a total slacker and haven't been keeping up on this thing...but not much has happened!

A few weeks ago Dom called me and told me that the Arizona Cardinals were going to be playing the Green Bay Packers at UoP Stadium. Dom and his dad have been life long Packers fans and I told Dom 2 years ago that if the Packers ever came to AZ...I would take him to the game. We couldn't go to a Packers game without his dad, and so I started looking at tickets. I told Dom that they would only be like $30 each...and there were tickets for that price...but I found some great tickets on the 50 yard line...Packers side....25th row....and they won't too horribly I got them and Dom was really excited. He decided that we wouldn't tell his dad and his dad was SOOO surprised when we walked down to our seats. It was pretty funny to see his face. The game was incredible and the Packers won. When we got home I decided that I would go online and try and find Packers jersey's for our puppies...and I was very happy to find them and to see that I could even get their names on the back! People may laugh...but my reasoning is that we don't have kids to dress up in jersey' we will dress our dogs in jersey's cause they are my babies until a medical miracle happens.
Dom's family decided to take off on a family vacation...and not invite I decided that I would make a wonderful dinner for my husband because I love him and I appreciate all that he does for me and our puppies. I spent most of the day in the kitchen. I made him steak, twice baked potatoes, shrimp, asparagus, rolls and peanut butter balls. He knew something was going on because he called to tell me that he would be done with work at 3 and I told him he wasn't allowed home till 6 and he would need to find something to fill the time. He ended up working late anyways because someone needed help and Dom is the guy that everyone turns to. When he finally did get home, he came home with a present! I figured that he would come home with flowers since he knew what was going on and when I called I could tell he was at a store, but he completely surprised me and came home with emerald earrings! It is the first time that he has been able to surprise me with jewelry and I love them! I'm a big fan of natural emeralds and they are not that easy to find, but there is this one little mom and pop jewelry store that always has them. So that was Friday night, Saturday we went and saw All About Steve, which was hilarious, and then we had to go and buy a new computer cause my old one died...and now I've been given the other old computer and Dom has taken over what is supposed to be MY new computer...the same thing happened when we bought me a new car...when do I get to actually use the cool new toys we buy for me?!? After we came home we just chilled while waiting for Marina and Desi to get here. And of course as soon as they got here, Desi just HAD to go swimming and she didn't want to get out of the pool. The next day we went to a local waterpark and it was so much fun! I used to go to this park all the time when I was a kid...and let me tell you that Desi had a blast making us go down the water slides with her, that little girl is fearless! We didn't do much on Labor Day but cook some bbq and go swimming...all in all it was a nice relaxing weekend.
Nothing has really changed with work. I'm working from home and loving it. Dom is back full time, even though his work is kinda slow right now and since he has available vacation and sick time they keep having him stay home one day a week. He's getting pretty frustrated with it but once he is out of available time, it won't happen anymore. My work is super backed up and so they are currently offering overtime, which I am going to take advantage of! I mean, I don't have to leave the house to go to work on I might as well work since I'm just gonna be hanging around the house anyways. Plus we are going to Disneyland with Marina and Desi the first weekend in October...and I need some spending I figure I can use the OT pay to buy our tickets and any food and anything else I want while there. The next couple of weeks are going to be busy because of OT, but it will all be worth it. Plus I have two papers to write this weekend so that I can finish the class I'm currently in.
We are definatly looking forward to the cooling of the weather and the beautiful fall that is in store for us. Hopefully I will get better about updating this...but ya never know!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Well, Dominic is finally up and moving around after surgery. It took a bit of time, but the doctor says that he is doing well. He is still in pain, but that is to be expected. He only has two more weeks before he goes back to work. I'm pretty excited about him going back, but a little worried that it will be too much too soon, but we will see what happens. I'm still at home working, which I still love. I get to take naps on my breaks, which is always a plus!
Marina and Desi came down two weeks after Dom's surgery so that we could celebrate Desi's third b-day. It was pretty fun to go and get mani-pedi's together. Desi was stinkin adorable while they were doing her nails.
In other exciting news, my big sister D is having a baby girl on Dec. 13th. I am way excited for her and can't wait to meet my new niece. I'm going up to Idaho in October for her baby shower and can't wait to see her with her big baby belly. I've only gotten to see her with a little baby belly...and she is so tiny to begin with that I know she will be adorable.
So, my mother in law keeps having a dream that I have twin boys with black hair. She is absolutely convinced that I will have twins, and I just hope she is wrong. I don't think tha I could handle two babies at once. I'm good with one...but two the same age, that is a bit much! And since two is all I'm having...Dom doesn't want them at the same time. But we shall see what happens when the good Lord decides it is time for us to have a baby. I'm hoping that it is after Dom is done with school, which should be next September, and then I'll still have a year left, but that's okay...I don't want to wait till Dom is really old! ;)
Marina and Desi came down two weeks after Dom's surgery so that we could celebrate Desi's third b-day. It was pretty fun to go and get mani-pedi's together. Desi was stinkin adorable while they were doing her nails.
In other exciting news, my big sister D is having a baby girl on Dec. 13th. I am way excited for her and can't wait to meet my new niece. I'm going up to Idaho in October for her baby shower and can't wait to see her with her big baby belly. I've only gotten to see her with a little baby belly...and she is so tiny to begin with that I know she will be adorable.
So, my mother in law keeps having a dream that I have twin boys with black hair. She is absolutely convinced that I will have twins, and I just hope she is wrong. I don't think tha I could handle two babies at once. I'm good with one...but two the same age, that is a bit much! And since two is all I'm having...Dom doesn't want them at the same time. But we shall see what happens when the good Lord decides it is time for us to have a baby. I'm hoping that it is after Dom is done with school, which should be next September, and then I'll still have a year left, but that's okay...I don't want to wait till Dom is really old! ;)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Dominic's surgery
I have to say, I was really freaked out on Wednesday when Dom had the surgery. They said that it would only be about 45 minutes and that he would have 3 incisions....instead it took an hour and 45 minutes, and he had 5 incisions. It ended up being a lot worse then they thought it would, which is why it took so much longer. So then they decided to let him wake up on his own, which was another hour and a half, and then it was another hour and a half before they released him to go home. I got him home and the pain killers really weren't helping. He was up almost all night and so I stayed up with him. He's been having some trouble getting in and out of bed, and sleeping and it doesn't help that the dogs want to jump on him and play. I've been trying to keep the puppies away from him, but it doesn't work to well. They have only jumped on him a couple of times, but they refuse to leave his side. So today the pain killers finally started working really well for him! He has been passed out all day and when he does wake up, he has no clue what he is talking about or what he is doing. A couple of minutes ago he told me that his face was melting off and that I needed to help him hold it in place. Then when I just laughed, he asked for the gorilla glue so that he could glue his face in place....and then he grabbed Daisy's paws and said that she needed to help him since I wouldn't...and then he put her paws on his face. All in all, I'm pretty entertained! Dominic is usually really funny, but this just takes the cake! I am totally enjoying him being stoned out of his mind, which probably isn't a good thing...maybe I should cut back on his pain killers....
Monday, July 13, 2009
So Vegas was a blasst with my siblings...lots of laughs and lots of time spent watching my brothers gamble. It was pretty entertaining to be the sober one most of the time. And I was pretty proud of myself for not gambling. I'll post more about the trip later, but I'm tired right now!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
It's been a while

So...I'm almost all set up at home for work. I still need to go and get a desk from IKEA cause the table I am using annoys the crap outta me! I love working at home. I wake up 10 minutes before I have to start working....I can go down to the kitchen every few hours to get a music can be as loud as I want and I can sing horribly as loud as I want! I love it. Dom and I have been having a lot of fun taking pictures of the puppies lately...including after their bath last week. Dominic taught them to get in the linen closet after their bath to roll around and dry off. I thought that it was hilarious and so adorably cute! They just hung out in the closet and kept rolling around and tossing the towels on top of themselves. I realized today that it is Daisy's 4th birthday. It seems like we just barely got my little 5 month old puppy...she shouldn't be 4 already! If this is how fast time flies with my puppies, I can't imagine how fast it is going to go when I have a kid...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
So Utah with Marina was way fun! We got to dye our face masks...fall asleep watching really cheesy chick a TON of crap...and go to Des's wedding. It was alot of fun and I totally miss that girl! Her daughter Desi is a crack and a half. Des (the old college rommie) couldn't stop making out with her new husband, which was hilarious! Des was practically attacking him...and she said breast in church without even she sure has grown up! Now that I am back home, things are kinda crazy. Dom went to urgent care the other night cause he has been feeling so sick and found out that he as a bacterial infection, but they don't know what kind of bacterial infection. So he is on anti-biotics hoping they will clear it up. His side has also been bothering him for a few weeks now. He had his appendix out like 7 yrs ago and it has always been kinda big with scar tissue, but now it is sensitive to the touch and swollen more then normal. The dr ordered a CT scan to make sure that nothing is growing under there, but the place can't take him till the 23rd, they said it takes that long to verify insurance...which I don't believe. I tried to get him to let me take him to the ER...but he refuses, so we shall see. Other then that, I have one more week in the office and then I am working from home! I can't wait and I hope that I can handle it so that I get to stay at home. It will be kinda nice to not have to drive anywhere! I also can't wait to go to Texas for a few days for 4th of July. It will be nice to see my parents and my nephew get baptized. Hopefully, I will get to see fireworks too...I don't think that I have really seen them since I was in Idaho for D's wedding in 04...and I LOVE fireworks!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I'm going to Utah today! I get to see my Marina and my Desi!!! I'm so excited for girls weekend and for Desree's wedding on Saturday!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
My big sister D just called to tell me that she is 12 weeks pregnant!! I am so excited for her, I just wish she lived closer. She is due on Dec. 14, so I will get to meet the new little one at Christmas!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Fun Times

So, Dominic's parents are in Europe for 5 weeks celebrating their 40 year wedding anniversary. Yesterday was Celine's birthday and Chris made her hamburgers and brats since hamburgers are her favorite thing in the world. Celine got in on the action of cooking. Chris made real beer brats for us...We thought it would be funny to send this picture to Joe in France...she didn't find it so funny.
This week is going to be great! I get to go to Utah on Thursday night to see Marina and Desi. My old college roommate Des is getting married on Saturday, which is the reason for the trip! Dominic and Celine are driving up on Thursday night just to have a long weekend with us. And, I get the BEST chocolate in the world!! I love Utah, but only Mrs. Cavanaugh's...and Marina and Desi!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I love weekends! I'm glad that Dom and I get to spend every weekend together. Not much is going on this weekend though. We are gonna go and see a movie and then I have a little bit of shopping to do, and then I have to write my talk for Church tomorrow, and Dom has to write a paper for school. Hopefully, we will get done with all that quickly so that we can just relax tonight!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I figured that since almost none of my friends live in AZ, I would start a blog! I know that I am way behind the curve on this, but that's pretty normal for me! Let's Dom and I have no kids and probably won't for a few years. We found out about 6 months ago that we won't be able to have kids without help, we were getting ready to start with all the Dr. appointments when we decided that we were going to wait until we are done with school. (Dom is in school for Criminal Justice and I am starting back for Elementary Education.) We both feel really good about the decision to wait to have kids, but if it happens before then, then it's all good! We are also getting ready to buy our first house! The goal is to be in a house by the end of the year. There are so many houses for sale down here that it is just crazy. We are hoping that we can stay in Gilbert, and I'm trying not to be too picky about the house. As long as it has a gtood kitchen and a decent sized backyard for our dogs, I'm good.
We have a pretty busy summer ahead of us. I am transitioning to a telecommuting position at work which I am really excited about. We also just went to Las Vegas this past weekend. My best friend in the world Marina came down to meet us there so that we could go to the Taylor Swift concert, which was amazing! Dom and I also went to see The Blue Man Group which was a really good show. I am going up to Utah next weekend for one of my old college roomies wedding. Then we are both going to Texas over July 4th for my nephews baptism. Then the next weekend we are going out of town for Dom's b-day, I just haven't figured out where we are going to go yet. I'm going back up to Utah in August (hopefully Dom can come with me) for Desi's (Marina's daughter) birthday! It is going to be a fun summer and hopefully we will be able to go tubing, go to the water park, and get a few camping trips in as well!
We have a pretty busy summer ahead of us. I am transitioning to a telecommuting position at work which I am really excited about. We also just went to Las Vegas this past weekend. My best friend in the world Marina came down to meet us there so that we could go to the Taylor Swift concert, which was amazing! Dom and I also went to see The Blue Man Group which was a really good show. I am going up to Utah next weekend for one of my old college roomies wedding. Then we are both going to Texas over July 4th for my nephews baptism. Then the next weekend we are going out of town for Dom's b-day, I just haven't figured out where we are going to go yet. I'm going back up to Utah in August (hopefully Dom can come with me) for Desi's (Marina's daughter) birthday! It is going to be a fun summer and hopefully we will be able to go tubing, go to the water park, and get a few camping trips in as well!
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