Thursday, June 25, 2009
It's been a while

So...I'm almost all set up at home for work. I still need to go and get a desk from IKEA cause the table I am using annoys the crap outta me! I love working at home. I wake up 10 minutes before I have to start working....I can go down to the kitchen every few hours to get a music can be as loud as I want and I can sing horribly as loud as I want! I love it. Dom and I have been having a lot of fun taking pictures of the puppies lately...including after their bath last week. Dominic taught them to get in the linen closet after their bath to roll around and dry off. I thought that it was hilarious and so adorably cute! They just hung out in the closet and kept rolling around and tossing the towels on top of themselves. I realized today that it is Daisy's 4th birthday. It seems like we just barely got my little 5 month old puppy...she shouldn't be 4 already! If this is how fast time flies with my puppies, I can't imagine how fast it is going to go when I have a kid...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
So Utah with Marina was way fun! We got to dye our face masks...fall asleep watching really cheesy chick a TON of crap...and go to Des's wedding. It was alot of fun and I totally miss that girl! Her daughter Desi is a crack and a half. Des (the old college rommie) couldn't stop making out with her new husband, which was hilarious! Des was practically attacking him...and she said breast in church without even she sure has grown up! Now that I am back home, things are kinda crazy. Dom went to urgent care the other night cause he has been feeling so sick and found out that he as a bacterial infection, but they don't know what kind of bacterial infection. So he is on anti-biotics hoping they will clear it up. His side has also been bothering him for a few weeks now. He had his appendix out like 7 yrs ago and it has always been kinda big with scar tissue, but now it is sensitive to the touch and swollen more then normal. The dr ordered a CT scan to make sure that nothing is growing under there, but the place can't take him till the 23rd, they said it takes that long to verify insurance...which I don't believe. I tried to get him to let me take him to the ER...but he refuses, so we shall see. Other then that, I have one more week in the office and then I am working from home! I can't wait and I hope that I can handle it so that I get to stay at home. It will be kinda nice to not have to drive anywhere! I also can't wait to go to Texas for a few days for 4th of July. It will be nice to see my parents and my nephew get baptized. Hopefully, I will get to see fireworks too...I don't think that I have really seen them since I was in Idaho for D's wedding in 04...and I LOVE fireworks!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I'm going to Utah today! I get to see my Marina and my Desi!!! I'm so excited for girls weekend and for Desree's wedding on Saturday!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
My big sister D just called to tell me that she is 12 weeks pregnant!! I am so excited for her, I just wish she lived closer. She is due on Dec. 14, so I will get to meet the new little one at Christmas!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Fun Times

So, Dominic's parents are in Europe for 5 weeks celebrating their 40 year wedding anniversary. Yesterday was Celine's birthday and Chris made her hamburgers and brats since hamburgers are her favorite thing in the world. Celine got in on the action of cooking. Chris made real beer brats for us...We thought it would be funny to send this picture to Joe in France...she didn't find it so funny.
This week is going to be great! I get to go to Utah on Thursday night to see Marina and Desi. My old college roommate Des is getting married on Saturday, which is the reason for the trip! Dominic and Celine are driving up on Thursday night just to have a long weekend with us. And, I get the BEST chocolate in the world!! I love Utah, but only Mrs. Cavanaugh's...and Marina and Desi!
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