Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So...I married a vampire...

Dom has always liked the dark...he hates having lights on and he's always wanted to have our room super dark. I think that it's because he spends all day outside in the bright sun. I like light and I like to have them on. Ever since we got our house, Dom has wanted to get blackout curtains for our room so it would be nice and dark. I've been wanting to get blinds for our sliding door just because there was nothing there. A few weeks ago, Dom started talking about how he wanted to get blinds and curtains soon before it started getting to hot. I started looking for curtains and found some really pretty chocolate brown ones that are supposed to help keep the heat out as well. Since we are in AZ and it's crazy hot, I figured that would be good. We also went and got blinds for our sliding door. We were looking at all the different blinds at Home Depot and they were all room darkening ones. Dom was so excited! We got home and I installed the blinds, not the easiest thing to do, but it got done. Then last weekend I went and got a curtain rod so that we could put up the curtains in our room. My house is now super dark! Dom is so happy about it. It is nice that Dom actually sleeps in on the weekends now, but still. I'll walk out of the office during the middle of the day and it's still pretty dark in the house. Dom now wants to replace all the vertical blinds that were already up with room darkening ones...I'd rather put in wood blinds, but Dom will probably win. I've always teased Dom that he was a vampire, but now I'm even more convinced about it!

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