Thursday, February 24, 2011

Boy oh Boy

So this month we moved to a new fertility treatment plan. Since I wasn't responding to just the hormone pills very well, my doctor decided to add injectable hormones to the mix and hope that would work. Because we are doing higher levels of hormones, I had to have an early ultrasound to make sure that I didn't have any cysts. That ultrasound came out clear, but the nurse did ask me how I felt about twins, I said twins would be great because then I'd be done having kids. Then she asked me about triplets...Triplets scare me! I think that I'd be okay with 2, but 3 is just too many, thankfully our chance or triplets is only like 6%. Since I checked out cyst free, I got to give myself 3 hormone shots. The needles are tiny, but they hurt!
I went into the Dr. office last Friday for an ultrasound to see how I was responding to the injectable hormones. Thankfully I responded a little better then on just the hormone pills. Instead of my normal 1 follicle, I had 3 that were growing nicely. They weren't that close to being big enough, but since we did an extra ultrasound last month, we knew how fast my follicles are growing. The nurse told me that I could trigger on Monday and catch 1 egg, or wait till Tuesday and hopefully catch all 3. So we decided that we were going to wait the extra day because 3 chances is better then 1, but she did make sure to ask me if I was okay with triplets.
I had the IUI done today and now I"m super crampy, more so then the past 2 months. When the doctor was leaving, he said to prepare myself for the possiblity of twins. He said that it's normally a 20% chance of twins with injectables, but since I have a family history or twins and I had 3 follicles, I have a 35% chance of twins. Now it's just time to sit back and wait for the next 2 weeks to find out if it worked or if we are taking a 3 month break. I really hope it works cause I'm so ready to be pregnant, AND I really want to have a baby this year!

Aside from baby stuff, Dom and I both have strep throat, and it's kicking my butt! He's responding really well to the anti-biotics, but I still feel pretty bad. I even missed 2 days of work this week which sucks cause I work from home, but Tuesday I couldn't even get out of bed and then yesterday and today I kept getting dizzy all day long. Hopefully I'll be able to work tomorrow. And hopefully I'll be feeling well enough to go on a date with Dom this weekend! We got to take Desi to the Renasaince Fair last Saturday and it was a lot of fun, until it started raining. But we did find pirate duckies for the pirate bathriim!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The little things

So about a week and a half ago, Marina asked if Dom and I could watch Desi for her. We love Desi to pieces and will take any chance we can to watch her. The plan was for her to spend the night and then just hang out around the house the next day while I worked. Last week, Dom called me one morening and asked what day Desi was going to be at our house, I told him and he informed me that he was going to take the day off so that he could spend the whole day with her. Then he kept telling me that I needed to take the day off so the 3 of us could spend it together. I haven't been wanting to take time off for anything so that I have time to use when/if we have a baby, but I gave in and said I would spend then day with them. Monday night when I picked Desi up, she informed me that she needed a baby at my house, and her baby needed to be a big dog. Dom has been wanting a big dog for a while. (He says it's so he can run with the dog, but it's really his way of dealing with not having a baby.) I don't really want another dog because I don't think Daisy and Patton would handle it well.
We took the puppies to the park on Tuesday morning and then we went to the pet store to get Desi her baby. She and Dom agreed to get a hamster or gerbil because they are easier to care for then another dog. Desi had a hard time deciding which hamster to get, but she ended up picking a Winter White Russian Dwarf Hamster who she decided to name Rocky. She picked out a fun cage for Rocky and then we made our way home. She was so excited about having a baby. She held Rocky the whole way home and wanted to put her in her ball as soon as we got home. Once Rocky was in her ball, Desi followed her around the house and made sure that the puppies didn't hit the ball and that Rocky didn't get stuck. We went out to do some grocery shopping and as soon as we got back, Desi ran inside and said she had to check on her baby. She did the same thing when she woke up from her nap. It was very cute. Dom and I can't wait till we get to do all the fun things we do with Desi with our own kids.

In baby news, we are starting another cycle this week. We are moving onto injections this month, which ups our chance of having multiples, but if I have twins, I'm done for good. I have to go in on Friday for an ultrasound to make sure that I don't have any cycts, and if I'm good to go, I'll start the hormone pills. I'm not sure what days I have to do the injections, but I'm really hoping I react well. Dom and I are beyond ready for me to be pregnant. I really need to find something to keep myself occupied this month so that I don't get my hopes up so much. I'm going to try and not think about it and analyze every little thing, I just don't know how well that will work!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Results are...

NOT pregnant. I'm not a happy camper.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

And so it goes...

I'm not sure how I'm feeling about this cycle. Last month I started getting queasy the day after starting the progesterone, this month I didn't start getting queasy until yesterday, which I'm totally cool with. But I was crampy all last weekend...and I haven't been able to sleep through the night since last Thursday...I wake up about 3 or 3:30 because I have to pee and then I can't go back to sleep, I just kinda drift in and out of sleep. I'm super exhausted and feel like I could sleep all day, I just can't sleep at night. I also can't sleep on my side like I normally do because then I feel sick...and everytime Dom flips around in the night and shakes the bed I feel sick. I am always super hungry and thirsty, but I'm totally craving apples and salad. Plus I'm peeing every 2-3 hours which sucks. I've been getting headaches too, which is really uncommon for me. I'm totally over-analyzing every little thing and driving myself hopefully I don't get disappointed on Sunday...or Saturday if I can convince Dom to give me my test (he hid them!)

On a non-baby note, Dom told me that he wants to go on a vacation since our last vacation with just the 2 of us was Paris in Feb 09. I'd say it's about time for a vacation, but I don't know if it's gonna work. He got sick earlier this month and ended up using 3 days of vacation. He also has 5 days planned in December and 2 in May, which only leaves him with 3 or 4 days which I want him to use when/if we have a baby. He has 8 float days available, but he can only use 3 in a we are running into issues. I might have him switch some of the vacation days he already has scheduled to float days, but we'll see what happens. If we don't get pregnant this month or next, we won't need to worry about it, but I'm trying to be positive about being pregnant. Also, I don't know where to go on vacation. Dom wants to go to Hawaii, but plane tickets are so expensive. Plane tickets anywhere are expensive and so I've been thinking about going somewhere we can drive. I was thinking it'd be really fun to go to Colorado since I haven't been there since I was a kid and he's never been there, but he doesn't seem too excited about it. I just want to go someplace out of the way so that we can just chill and relax, but who knows what will happen...