Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sad day...
It was too good to be true. We got the inspection done on the house yesterday and the roof was put on incorrectly when the house was built. We would have to replace the entire roof and add stuff that should have been put there in the first place. We would also have to have some of the tresses replaced and others secured correctly because they weren't put in right either! And the electrical system is screwed up. The previous owner apparently did some work himself and didn't do it correctly, and there are several wires that are fire hazards in the attic. So now the search begins all over again. I'm really not looking forward to it and I'm almost tempted to say forget it and go back to renting...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Patton Update
Patton had her surgery yesterday and everything went well. She was completely out of it when we picked her up and she was walking around like she didn't know what was going on. I accidentally hurt her when I went to pick her up so that I could put her in the car, I felt so bad cause she cried the entire way home...and then she kept crying when we got home. She was hardly moving, she wasn't my normal baby. She ended up doing really well last night and slept through the night, which I wasn't expecting. She is already feeling better this morning, but I think that she's outdone herself already. She jumped off the bed this morning and then back on, but now she doesn't even want to walk up and down the stairs...so I think the bed jumping wore her out! I'll have to post a picture of her from last night because the bandage on her arm was camo, which made Dom smile!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Totally avoiding schoolwork....
I totally don't want to write my psych paper right now, so I'll write another blog instead! Dom and I signed all the paperwork for our house on Saturday and we are officially under contract!! I'm so excited, I can't believe that we are actually getting our house! Our closing date with the bank is 4/6/10, but our broker said that we should be able to close sooner then that. He wants to make sure that we close in 30 days, which would put us at March 14. I just want to be in our house before our anniversary on March 25. We took Dom's parents over to see the house today and so that I could make a list of all the stuff that I am going to need to get. I need a washer/dryer, fridge, blinds, shower rods, and I need to paint the family room, the hallway, and the porch beams. I also need to have someone come out and put a doggie door in the master bedroom for Patton, she has the tendency to like going outside in the middle of the night, and Dom doesn't like to sleep with the bedroom door open, so a doggie door in the bedroom is a must. I also forgot how big my closet is going to be, it's HUGE!!!! And I have a lemon tree, orange tree, and rose bushes in the backyard already, we're just gonna have to start watering the grass cause it's all dead and dry. I'm really excited to be getting our house. Neither one of us can wait to move in and begin to make it ours. Dom is most excited about the 3 car garage and that the house is pre-wired for surround sound. I'm most excited to have my own kitchen again!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Could it really be????

Sunday, February 7, 2010
The New Jersey Sloppy Joe

My little baby...
So about 2 weeks ago, I was laying in bed with my little baby Patton, rubbing her tummy like she demands, and I noticed that she had some small, squishy lumps in her lower tummy. I pointed them out to Dom, freaking out, and he said she has always had them and not to worry about it. So I calmed down and kept an eye on them. Last week, anytime we touched her lower tummy, she whined and cried...which I don't like to hear. I started feeling around for the lumps, and they were bigger and harder then they had been and they obviously hurt her, so I started freaking out again and called the vet to have her checked out and to get her current on all her shots. We took her in yesterday and the lumps are smaller and softer then they were, but she was freaking out when the vet was feeling them. They decided that they needed to stick a needle in them and pull out fluid to see if they could tell what they were. They had to take her in the back and when they stuck the needle in her, I could hear her cry, I almost lost it! They brought her back in, scared out of her mind after being stuck with 5 needles, and said that the lumps were so sensitive that they couldn't get very much fluid out of them, so they didn't know if they would be able to get a good idea of what it was. They came back in and said that the red blood cells are all inflammed and so they want to treat it as an infection and see if antibiotics will take care of it. The vet said if the antibiotics don't work, we can have a biopsy done, which scares me! After hearing all this, Dom and I decided that it was time to get her fixed, we've been meaning to for a while, we just haven't done it. She also needs to get her teeth cleaned, so we decided to schedule her for those two procedures since they can be done at the same time and it's just time. So now, my little baby girl is going to have surgery in a week and a half. If the lumps aren't gone, I'm going to tell them to just take them out. Having my puppies in surgery scares the crap out of me. I was a nervous wreck when Daisy had surgery. My baby is going to be gone all day...I have to drop her off at like 7:30 AM and I don't get her back till around 5:30 PM. It also scares me because I know that things can go wrong and I don't want anything to happen to my baby. I also don't want her to be in pain. So now, for the next 2 weeks or so, I'm going to be a worried mama.
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